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After taking severe damage, the Cinema Titan 4.0 received hasty repairs, and, surprisingly upgrades, in order to become his current form.
Upgraded Titan Cinemaman 4.0 now additionally sports 4 additional TVs, two mounted TV's on his shoulders and two mounted on cybernetic tentacles, he also now wears a more combat-like suit, unlikely his past appearances. He also has Speaker's around his TV Head and his Purple Core, and around the mounted tv on his shoulders. Adorned with cybernetic enhancements on his arms that allow him to use a Holographic Shield and a saword. On the back he has his claws still.
The Cinema Titan 4.0 expresses a lot more emotions via emoticon than any of its previous forms. From this, we can tell that it reacts quite appropriately to most situations - it displays a smiley face emoticon after dealing severe damage to opponents, which is obviously an achievement for the titan, while displaying a surprised face emoticon when its opponents are strong enough to resist its abilities.
- Immense Strength: The Cinema Titan 4.0 is capable of annihilating heavily-armoured opponents with single slices of his sword, which means there must be considerable strength behind said attacks.
- Immense Durability: The Cinema Titan 4.0 has been shown getting slammed into mountains at high speeds without sustaining any visible damage.
- TV Screens: The Cinema Titan 4.0 possesses four TV screens on its body. It can utilize these to project a bright red light, which causes immense pain in opponents and cause them to attempt to kill themselves. Alternatively, it can project a purple light with the screens, which allow the titan to control the mind of any opponents affected.
- Shoulder Claws: The Cinema Titan 4.0 possesses two metallic claws mounted on his shoulders that can be deployed as additional limbs of sort to impale opponents. However, they are not dexterous at all and cannot be used as actual appendages, rather just stabbing implements.
- Energy Blade: The Cinema Titan 4.0 possesses a two-pronged purple energy blade mounted on his right arm that can be used like an extension of his arm to deal colossal damage. Unlike its previous form however, it does not appear to be able to retract it.
- Energy Shield: The Cinema Titan 4.0 possesses the ability to project a purple holographic shield from his left arm to defend himself. However, unlike its predecessor, it disappears entirely when not in use. It is extremely durable, being able to sustain tremendous applications of force without showing any visible damage.
- Cybernetic Tentacles: The Cinema Titan 4.0 possesses two cybernetic tentacles terminating in four-pronged claws on his back. He can deploy these whenever needed and can use them in combat to impale enemies. Additionally, they are capable of firing purple laser beams from their centre for ranged combat.
- Detachable Head: The Cinema Titan 4.0 possesses a detachable head. The head can operate independently from its body and possesses a small jetpack which allows it to fly, in addition to two lasers that can unfold from their normally retracted state and fire purple lasers at opponents. The head still maintains its TV Screen ability when separated from its body.
- Teleportation: The Cinema Titan 4.0's teleportation receives a considerable upgrade from his previous forms in the fact that it's able to teleport just parts of its body at a time with his black smog. However, he is still able to teleport himself entirely if needed.
- Jetpack: The Cinema Titan 4.0 boasts an extremely powerful jetpack that spews purple flames, allowing he to fly into the air. It can be assumed that the jetpack is extremely strong given the fact that it causes interference with nearby cameras.
- Emoticon Displaying: The Cinema Titan 4.0 can show rudimentary emoticons on all of his TV screens. Unlike his previous from, now the emoticon is black, not white.
- Bass Boom: The Cinema Titan 4.0 possesses numerous speakers on his body. From the abilities of other speakers in the series, it should be able to use these to emit a loud sonic wave that stuns enemies and knocks them back, but he has not yet shown this ability.
- Sustained Screech: The Cinema Titan 4.0 should also be able to use his speakers to project a loud tone that causes enemies without ear protection immense pain, but he has not yet used this ability in combat either.
- Video Playing: Judging from his first form, the Cinema Titan 4.0 should be able to play videos recorded by his allies to relay information to those nearby.
The Cinema Titan 4.0 currently has no confirmed weaknesses.
- Sheer Damage: Judging from appearance alone, the Cinema Titan 4.0 seems to be less armoured than its 3.0 form, which should logically mean that it's even easier to neutralise through sheer damage. However, given that the titan's arsenal is primarily ranged, there shouldn't be much opportunity to damage it at all.
- TV Screen Shattering: From the weaknesses of both its main-series counterpart and its 3.0 form, it can be inferred that the Cinema Titan 4.0's screens can be shattered easily, rendering its TV Screen ability useless, unless it gained screen protectors since its last appearance.
- Cybernetic Arm Severing: While the titan's cybernetic arms are no longer used to hold TVs, they still serve a use as laser cannons and impaling implements in battle. Going off the weaknesses of the titan's previous form, they should be able to be severed quite easily.
- Heavy-duty Eye Protection: Against opponents with heavy-duty eye protection, the Cinema Titan 4.0 may have to use its other abilities to pry off their eye protection before being able to use its exceptionally powerful TV Screen abilities against them.
Episode | Character | Image | Method |
98 | Tri-Titan | TBD | Camera lens destroyed, Camera Cannon severed, left arm attacked with sword, torso attacked by Cybernetic Arm lasers, camera attacked with Detachable Head lasers. |
99 | Tri-Titan | TBD | Caused it to punch itself via TV Screen ability. |
- The Cinema Titan's upgrade time between his 3.0 and 4.0 forms is currently the fastest major upgrade in the entire series.
- The Cinema Titan is the older brother to Titan TV Man Jr., expressing his desire to bring his younger brother back home in episode 105.
Eventually after a disappearance for multiple episodes, Cinemaman makes a powerful return in Ep.85, being deployed into action by the Cameramen to stop the incoming army of Skibidi Toilets led by the Necromancer. As well as taking on the Toilet Men that arrived with the Mad Toilet Inventor
Cinemaman now sports 4 additional TVs, two mounted on his shoulders and two mounted on cybernetic tentacles, he also now wears a more combat-like suit, unlike his past appearances. He also has speakers around his TV head and his purple core, adorned with cybernetic enhancements on his arms that allow him to use a shield and a sword.
The Cinema Titan 3.0 still maintains its friendliness with Alliance members, as seen when it offered the Speaker Titan a fist bump before revealing the Camera Titan's 2.0 upgrades to it. On the contrary, the titan is now a lot more aggressive towards its opponents, as seen when it brutally mauled the Toilet Necromancer in combat and when it put up its middle fingers while attempting to escape the Tri-Titan.
- Immense Strength: The Cinema Titan 3.0 possesses sufficient strength to knock over colossal Skibidi Toilets using a kick. Additionally, it has enough power in its arms to cause small explosions every time he slices something with his sword.
- Immense Durability: The Cinema Titan 3.0 can sustain massive damage without getting harmed, even being thrown with massive force into mountains but picking itself up again afterward. Notably, its TV screens also seem to display this unprecedented hardiness, as the two TVs on its back did not even shatter after getting slammed directly into the aforementioned mountain.
- TV Screens: The Cinema Titan 3.0 sports a total of 5 TV screens, with one on its head, two on its shoulders, and two connected to cybernetic tentacles mounted on its back that can be manipulated at will. Each one of these can project a bright white light which causes severe pain and temporary blindness to opponents without eye protection. It can also be assumed that it can cause some enemies to commit suicide in accordance to its main-series counterpart. All 5 of these screens combined provide an almost 360-degree field of protection for the Cinema Titan 3.0 if opponents do not sport eye protection.
- Energy Sword: The Cinema Titan 3.0 can deploy a purple energy sword from its right arm and use it as an extension of its limb during battle. This sword is capable of dealing massive damage to enemies and knocking down colossal toilets with ease.
- Energy Shield: The Cinema Titan 3.0 possesses a small, purple holographic shield on his left wrist that it can expand at will to use as a feasible means of defense. This shield is extremely resilient and can tank multiple hits from threats much bigger than itself, like the cosmic Tri-Titan.
- Wrist Claws: The Cinema Titan 3.0 sports three metallic prongs on each of his wrists which can be used to enhance the amount of damage its normal punches cause. They can penetrate even very heavily armored opponents in battle.
- Teleportation: Similar to his pre-upgraded versions, the Cinema Titan 3.0 can utilize black smog to teleport to any location it chooses.
- Emoticon Displaying: The Cinema Titan 3.0 is able to display rudimentary text emoticons on its main screen to convey its emotions. However, unlike the Titan TV Man in the original series and the later iterations of the Cinema Titan in the Skibidi Wars, this form of the Cinema Titan must dim its screen to grey and can only show its emoticons in white.
- Shoulder Claws: The Cinema Titan 3.0 keeps the metallic claws from its previous forms on its shoulders, but similarly to its previous forms it has not used them in combat.
- Bass Boom: There are multiple speakers installed in various places on the Cinema Titan 3.0 body, but it can be assumed that they do not project nearly as much sound as his previous form due to their smaller size. Regardless, given the abilities of other speakers in the series, they should be able to emit a small sonic shockwave to stun enemies and knock them back, but this ability has not been demonstrated during his appearance.
- Sustained Screech: Like its bass boom, the Cinema Titan 3.0 should be able to utilize its speakers to play a loud tone for a prolonged period that can damage opponents without ear protection, but this ability has not been displayed during his appearances.
- Video Playing: It can be inferred from the Cinema Titan 3.0's first form that it is able to play video segments recorded by Cameramen to show allies information.
- Sheer Damage: The Cinema Titan 3.0 was damaged so badly by the Tri-Titan that it was physically unable to fight anymore and had to be rescued by fellow Alliance members. With this information, it can be inferred that the titan can be neutralised simply by dealing enough physical trauma to it.
- TV Screen Shattering: The Cinema Titan 3.0's TV screens are indeed some of its weak points, as when it was thrown across the ground by the Tri-Titan, the friction and the stray debris that its screen was exposed to while being dragged along the floor caused the titan's main screen to shatter, rendering its TV Screen ability useless.
- Cybernetic Arm Severing: The two TV monitors mounted on Cinema Titan 3.0 via cybernetic tentacles are very easy to severe, as demonstrated when one of them couldn't handle the force exerted by the ground when the Cinema Titan 3.0 was thrown by the Tri-Titan and simply just detached. This is an important weak point as the titan's two most versatile screens also happen to be its two most easy to destroy.
- Heavy-duty Eye Protection: Due to the plethora of speakers on its body, the Cinema Titan 3.0 should be able to shatter lightweight eye protection on opponents without issue at all. However, against opponents with more heavy-duty eye protection, the Cinema Titan 3.0 may have to damage it sufficiently for it to fall off before being able to use its TV Screen ability against them.
Episode | Character | Image | Method |
86 | Toilet Necromancer | TBD | Eyes damaged (presumably), cybernetic right arm cut off. |
Large Skull Strider Arm Skibidi Toilet | TBD | Kicked. | |
87 | White Toiletman x2 | TBD | Stomped and thrown, causing them to explode. |
94 | Tri-Titan | TBD | Attacked leg with sword. |
- He is now one of the most powerful units in the TV race, if not the strongest.
- During Skibidi Wars 87, as he realizes that the Tri-Titan is coming, he comically shows a double middle finger to the Mad Toilet Inventor and Necromancer Toilet, before teleporting away.
Cinemaman refers to the semi-upgraded version of Titan TVMan, now equipped with two large speakers on his shoulders and one, giant speaker on his torso, delivered by the SpeakerMen.
Cinemaman's appearance doesn't shift a lot from his original counterparts, remaining the normal Titan TVMan however equipped with the prior mentioned speakers.
The Cinema Titan 2.0 hasn't been seen in action very much, and as such it is extremely difficult to determine if it has received any personality changes. However, it appears to be somewhat the same as its initial form - it's shown to appreciate smaller Alliance members, as shown when it allowed the Plunger TV Man to stand on its hand, while also being more than ready to fight opponents if needs be.
- Immense Strength: The Cinema Titan 2.0 is capable of holding lightweight objects without any effort at all on its part, notably the Plunger TV Man. From his previous and succeeding forms, it can be assumed that it is capable of throwing heavy objects as well.
- Immense Durability: The Cinema Titan 2.0 was able to survive quite literally getting impaled by the Skibidi Sword-Master, only falling down and later picking itself up again without external help. It can also be assumed that the Black Speaker Plate and the dual Black Helicopter Speakers that it has received allow its to defend against attack, but given that the blade pierced straight through the latter, it is up to debate.
- TV Screen: The Cinema Titan 2.0 can utilize its TV screen to project an incredibly powerful red light that causes opponents without eye protection to suffer immensely, possibly damaging them in the process (although the one recipient of this attack did not begin exploding or attempting to flush himself). It can be assumed that, like in the original series, the additional speakers the Cinema Titan 2.0 received allow it to increase the intensity of its beam and also destroy lighter-weight eye protection, but this ability has not been demonstrated.
- Teleportation: The Cinema Titan 2.0 can teleport to any location it pleases, creating a thick black smog around both its body and the area it intends to teleport to.
- Shoulder Claws: It can be assumed that the Cinema Titan 2.0 has the ability to use the claws located on its shoulders as additional limbs to cause massive damage to enemies based on the abilities of his main-series counterpart, but due to his brief appearance it has never been confirmed.
- Hooks: The Cinema Titan 2.0 retains the hooks on his elbows from its previous form that allowed it to restrict and throw around enemies they grappled onto, but it has not used them in combat.
- Bass Boom: Judging from the abilities of most other characters in the series with speakers, the Cinema Titan 2.0 should be able to use the speakers attached to its body to release an immense bass boom, stunning opponents and possibly knocking them back through the force of sheer soundwaves. Once again, though, its brief appearance has never demonstrated this ability.
- Sustained Screech: On a similar tangent to its bass boom, it can be presumed that the Cinema Titan 2.0 can project a very loud sound for a prolonged period using its speakers, not to stun but to destroy or impair through means of sheer agony. Additionally, through the abilities of its main-series countpart, the Cinema Titan 2.0 should be able to use this ability to shatter the eye protection of opponents with lightweight eye protection. This has never been shown in the series though.
- Video Playing: From the abilities of its previous form, which the Cinema Titan 2.0 did not upgrade all that much from, it can be assumed that it can play videos recorded by other Cameramen to inform them of worrying situations.
- Emoticon Displaying: Judging from the Cinema Titan 2.0's later upgrades, it should be able to show rudimentary text emoticons on its screen to display its emotions. However, it has never been seen in action in this form.
- Sheer Damage: The Cinema Titan 2.0 was temporarily neutralised and collapsed to the ground after being impaled by the Skibidi Sword-Master, implying that it can feel pain and must recuperate after sustaining large amounts of physical trauma in battle.
- TV Screen Shattering: Similarly to its first form, it can be implied that the Cinema Titan 2.0's TV Screen and Video Playing abilities can be decommissioned by damaging its TV screen sufficiently.
- Heavy-duty Eye Protection: Judging from the abilities of its main-series counterpart, the Cinema Titan 2.0 should be able to use its speakers to shatter lightweight eye protection, rendering said protection useless. However, more heavy-duty eye protection still allows opponents to survive the titan's TV Screen ability unless damaged sufficiently for it to fall off.
Episode | Character | Image | Method | Opponent Status |
55 | Giant Dual Laser Eyes Skibidi Toilet | TBD | Caused immense agony using TV screen. | Heavily injured |
- This is the Cinema Titan's shortest-lived form.
The Cinema Titan 1.0 is a titan-sized TV Man capable of fending off smaller threats with ease and engaging with opponents of a similar size to him. He made his debut in the first episode of the Skibidi Wars, Episode 49, before making his final appearance in 53, from which he departed to receive upgrades.
As mentioned previously, his appearance stays relatively the same as his original counterparts, a titan with black clothes, with a large core on his torso that emits a purple glow. He also sports Shoulder claws, mounted on his back, as well as hooks on his elbows.
The Cinema Titan 1.0 is shown to be quite an amiable titan, giving gestures of appreciation and affirmation to fellow members of the Alliance, even towards small, Normal Cameraman. This can also be seen as it offers to help the Speaker Titan back to its feet after disinfecting it. However, the Cinema Titan 1.0 is shown to be more than willing to fight when necessary and is capable of dealing massive damage to its opponents when it gets serious.
- Immense Strength: The Cinema Titan 1.0 is capable of throwing lightweight enemies and objects around without issue, while even having the strength to throw larger opponents (under the assumption that its hook does not do this on its behalf).
- Immense Durability: The Cinema Titan 1.0 sustained multiple shots from the Speaker Titan's powerful arm cannon, and even though they knocked it down, it was able to get up immediately afterward without much issue, implying that the shots did not harm it physically but rather shock it into falling.
- Hooks: The Cinema Titan 1.0 has a hook located on each of its elbows. It can prime these hooks and then deploy them to ensnare enemies, restricting their mobility and allowing it to use its strength to toss them around.
- Teleportation: The Cinema Titan 1.0 can teleport, producing a thick black smog both in the area it intends to teleport to as well as the area it was going to teleport from. However, in Episode 49, it seems to appear out of nowhere, without producing his teleportation's iconic sound cue or gas.
- Video Playing: The Cinema Titan 1.0 can play videos recorded by Cameramen on his TV screen to relay information to other allies.
- TV Screen: It can be assumed from both the Cinema Titan 1.0's counterpart in the original Skibidi Toilet series and the abilities of other TV Men in the Skibidi Wars that it can utilize its screen to, at the very minimum, cause enemies to commit suicide or explode, but if so, the ability has never actually been demonstrated.
- Shoulder Claws: Similarly, it can be assumed that the Cinema Titan 1.0 can use the claws located on its shoulders as additional limbs to cause massive damage to enemies based on the abilities of its main-series counterpart, but due to its brief appearance it has never been confirmed.
- Emoticon Displaying: The Cinema Titan 1.0, judging from its later iterations in the series, should be able to show rudimentary text emoticons on its screen to convey its emotions. However, it has never been see in use.
The Cinema Titan 1.0 has no confirmed weaknesses.
- TV Screen Shattering: From the weaknesses of its main-series counterpart, it can be assumed that the Cinema Titan 1.0's screen can easily be destroyed by sharp objects, rendering its TV Screen ability and Video Playing abilities both useless. However, given that the titan did not receive any injuries that would demonstrate this weakness in the series, it is currently unknown if it is actually suspectible to it.
- Sheer Damage: From both its main-series counterpart and its later forms in the Skibidi Wars series, it can be assumed that the Cinema Titan 1.0 can be neutralised simply by dealing an exceptional amount of damage to it.
- Eye Protection: A lot of the Cinema Titan 1.0's presumed utility comes from its ability to use its screen to attack enemies. Opponents with any sort of eye protection are immune to said attack unless the Cinema Titan 1.0 uses other means of physical combat to damage the eye protection first.
Episode | Character | Image | Method | Opponent Status |
49 | Spider Skibidi Toilet | TBD | Head crushed by hand. | Killed |
Titan Speakerman | TBD | Ensnared using a hook, then thrown into a building. | Lightly damaged | |
50 | Large Parasitic Skibidi Toilet | TBD | Removed from Titan Speakerman (Damage is presumed.) | Unknown |
- Unlike the original series, there are two titan-sized TV Men in the Skibidi Wars, Titan TV Man (this one) and Titan TV Man Jr. Judging from their models, it can be assumed that this Titan TV Man is the direct counterpart to the one from the original series.
- In the earlier episodes, Titan TV Man’s appearance was signified by the sound of the Tripods from Steven Spielbergs 2005 movie “ War of the Worlds “