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Upgraded Toilet Emperor 4.0 (Current)[]
The Upgraded Demoralized Toilet Emperor (4.0) is the Alliance's newest threat who first appeared in the secret scene of the full episode of skibidi wars 107.
Just like his former Demoralized Version, his eyes glow white, and his body features are white too, he emits a white aura, yet its not too intense.
The Upgraded Demoralized Toilet Emperor ( 4.0 ) is overall highly enhanced. Although we haven't seen his full body, we have seen the upper parts of his appearance. He seems to be highly enhanced, still having his demoralized white eyes and energy. His helmet is now replaced with a 3 striped helmet (?) and his neck has two giant rotating ring , on on his neck/ near head part and on on the toilet with white energy which seems like what makes him able to warp/ accelerate. It seems like he has more weaponry and armor on the back. Overall he is greatly improved but we haven't seen his full body.
Although this form of the Toilet Emperor, we can say that he still had most of his old abilities and weaponry but highly enhanced and improved.
- This is the Emperor's 4.0 upgrade and possibly his last.
- He might be stronger than all of the Alliance's titans. (Not stronger the Titan Computerman's battle armor or the Upgraded Tri-Titan)
- Some of his new weapons are inspired by Astro Toilets.
- In Skibidi War's Season 25 Secret Scene #2, it's stated by Agent V that Toilet Emperor is his Brother.
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Upgraded Toilet Emperor 3.0[]
Toilet Emperor 3.0 is the leader and the "strongest" out of all toilets, being the third iteration of this character. He is more Serious than Before However Is currently Infected by Phantom toilet and currently Overthrown, Had the most potential to have a rematch with Tri titan as well (possibly Virlance's Least favorite character). He is also extremely powerful, as he could have probably beat and killed the Necromancer if it weren't for his army in episode 100 part 1 and 2. This variation is way more durable and armored than the 2.0 and 1.0 versions, being able to survive hits from the Orange Triadian and Necromancer army.
The Toilet Emperor 3.0 has four arms The two extra arms Bigger than the main two are hidden at the back and can be moved to the other arms area when destroyed and a core shield, so he doesn't take any lethal damage on the core (unless broken). He has more spikes than last time. His toilet neck got bigger and he has "eyebrows" over his eyes.
Includes abilities from the first version, likely still there[]
Shoulder Laser cannons[]
This weapon is the upgraded version of the Shoulder cannons this time shooting out Two light Red beams of light. It is extremely destructive as it along with Toilet Emperor's core was able to crash the Toilet Necromancer into the ground with ease although it seemed like the Toilet Necromancer felt nothing from these attacks and laughed manically. These are highly-enhanced laser cannons, possibly does more destruction that the Camera Titan's shoulder cannons by a lot. Along with his core blast, these cannons knocked G-Toilet down to the ground.
Rocket Thrusters[]
They are in-built mechanisms of Toilet Emperor that allow him to deliver an attack with greater momentum as shown in 73 when he punched Titan Cameraman to the ground with no difficulty. These have not been confirmed to currently be installed Possibly got removed or no longer there (Maybe forgotten).
Catastrophic Strength[]
he was able to stagger Orange Triadian with his punches likely meaning he is much more stronger than the Triadians (not sure about Tri-titan) In episode 100 part 2 it was shown Upgraded G man toilet, Plague toilet and Necromancer 3.0 (Amalgamation titan) was needed to hold Toilet emperor to the ground likely meaning he is much more stronger than nearly all titans (not sure about Tri-titan). He easily punched G-Toilet to the ground snd almost ended him, meaning he really is the strongest non-necromancer skibidi toilet from the Toilet Emperor army.
Tremendous Durability[]
It was shown in Episode 100 part 2 that Toilet emperor was able to endure Upgraded G man Toilet's Laser beams However he was Vulnerable to Acid based attacks inside his body parts meaning he has a strong exterior but weak interior Body. Here are some of his feats shown in episode 100: He was able to survive Necromancer amalgamation's acid shoulder cannons although being extremely vulnerable to acid-base attacks. He also survived Plague Doctor Toilet's acid blast aimed at his head, knocked down by G-Toilet's lasers while he was weakening and distracted but took no visible damage. Took 2 of Plague Toilet's acid cannons to the reactor core, only having a little bit of acid on his weakening body. Took numerous attacks from G-Toilet and Plague doctor while taking significant damage. Took numerous attacks from G-Toilet and Plague doctor while Phantom joins in.
Quadruple Arm Blades[]
Weapons to engage in melee combat but even effectively. They are shown to be capable of penetrating the tough armour of Tri-Titan giving him a critical damage for first time in series, other being the one given by Toilet Necromancer. They appear slightly thicker and can be used in conjunction with his new axeblades. These blades knocked down G-Toilet with ease as well.
Upgraded Core Beam[]
His core armor can part to reveal his core, which shoots a new blast. It has a more concentrated laser, and can be used for a much larger duration. The explosive power is high-enhanced, making this ability especially destructive as in episode 96 it seemed like the guy destroyed multiple large buildings and a lot of the city's structures. The beam is rather slow moving as it can be seen bending when the Toilet Emperor makes any sudden moves while firing Could also be adjusted to be a light red small laser to a stronger bigger orange beam.
Extra Arms and Blades[]
The toilet emperor now utilizes two extra clawed arms, they greatly improve his combat capabilities as they have two giant axe-like swords and can swivel on the joints, giving him the ability to cleave through larger opponents.
Hand Plasma Cannons[]
As shown in Episode 100 part 2 It can be used to Absorb energy from Upgraded G man Toilet's Laser beams and redirect it back However it wasnt shown to be a offensive weapon (yet so far). Toilet Emperor used this ability in episode 100 part 2 as G-Toilet activated all of his lasers but was absorbed by the Toilet Emperor. This absorbing ability sends the absorbed energy to the reactor core and blast out a even-more destructive core blast ( with Emperor's own energy and ___'s energy combined ).
Summoning Escort Skibidi Toilet[]
These were not Confirmed to have been added but was seen During Episode 72 when he faced the orange triadian and again on episode 100 possibly already has been destroyed, the Escort Skibidi Toilet are small toilets with heads similar that of Toilet emperor's with a jetpack and two Guns Each Being Mounted Onto both sides
Relationships and Connections[]
Factions & Affiliations[]
- Toilet Empire - Belonging Faction
- Skibidi Toilets - Belonging Species
- Underworld Toilets - Formerly
- The Alliance - Main Enemy Faction
- Tri-Adians - Enemy Faction
- Necromancer Alliance - Enemy Faction ( Episode 100 )
External Characters[]
- Malware - Right Hand, creation
- Escort Skibidi Toilet - Special Forces
- Mad Toilet Inventor - Main Scientist
- Combine Helmet Messenger Toilet - Assistant
- Toilet Necromancer - Underworld Ally (Before episode 100)
- Tri-Titan - Main Enemy
- Orange Triadian - Opponent
- Toilet Necromancer - Traitor
- G-Toilet - Traitor
- Plague Toilet - Traitor
- Phantom Toilet - Traitor
- In this Emperor's iteration his personality changed, becoming more serious.
- If Toilet emperor manages to give even a bit of fight to Tri-Titan's true form, this means he could've defeated him on his unleashed form, wasting a big opportunity.
- Its 4 extra arms, being hidden in its body, an armored chest, the overall graceful appearance, the red lighting and his intimidating appearance gives off similarities to Evangelion 013.
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Upgraded Toilet Emperor 2.0[]
He is the same as his previous version but with even more feats and attitude. In this form, he fought Tri-titan 2.0 for the second time. He made his debut in episode 72 where he scared the Titan Speakerman and later clashed with all 4 titans of alliance along with some smaller Toilet Mutants in episode 73.
This time his size looks almost equal to Tri-Titan, making him bigger than even skyscrapers. He had large combat blades and impressive speed which he had already displayed in battle against The Alliance. He also has some new face armor, but it was ripped away by the Upgraded Tri-Titan. There are two mountings on his shoulders which are likely responsible for his teleportation.
Shoulder Plasma cannons[]
This weapon apparently did no significant damage, but it was destructive enough.
Rocket Thrusters[]
They are in-built mechanisms of Toilet Emperor that allow him to deliver an attack with greater momentum as shown in 73 when he punched Titan Cameraman.
Catastrophic Strength[]
He was able to rip apart jetpacks of Titan Speakerman like nothing, knocked back Titan TV Man junior by just moving his foot, and easily freed himself from Tri-Titan when he was going to radiate him despite Tri-Titan holding him with full power.
Tremendous Durability[]
Didn't get a scratch from Titan Cameraman's Hammer strike and easily stood up again after getting slammed into not only one but multiple buildings with no visible damage. Lastly tanked many lethal attacks of Tri-titan and even his radiation.
Dual Arm Blades[]
Weapons to engage in melee combat but even effectively. They are shown to be capable of penetrating the tough armour of Tri-Titan giving him a critical damage for first time in series, other being the one given by Toilet Necromancer.
Core Beam[]
Fires a huge beam directly from the core to cook his opponent. Extremely destructive. By analyzing properly, this was the same attack which destroyed Titan Speakerman in one hit and later did the same with Titan Cameraman. This indicates that his core beam shouldn't be taken lightly.
Hand Laser Cannon's[]
Fires Red Beam's, this was rarely used only being shown to be used against Tri Titan when Tri Titan manages to get him on the ground in episode 73
- He acts way more strategically now instead of messing around randomly, he prefers to take out weak opponents first just like in episode 72 where he tried to ambush Titan Speakerman.
- Surprisingly he seems to care about his loyal subordinate known as Mad Toilet Inventor. It was proved when he saved him from Titan Tv Jr, this happened in episode 73 when inventor was interfered from attacking Titan Camera. Emperor then instantly knocked away Titan TV jr.
- It is possible that he can teleport as we saw at the end of the skibidi wars 73.
- It is noticed that he might have a special hate towards Titan Speakerman as he seems to target the Titan as his first opponent during battles.
- He actually cares about Mad Toilet Inventor
- Even without Jetpacks, Toilet Emperor can move pretty quickly unlike Tri-Titan.
- He got upgraded again in episode 84.
- He apparently likes mocking enemies, not being 100% serious during fights.
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Toilet Emperor []
The Toilet Emperor 1.0 is a titan-sized Skibidi Toilet and canonically the ruler of the entire Toilet Empire. He made his debut in Episode 60, before being critically damaged by the Tri-Titan in Episode 63 and leaving to get repaired and upgraded.
The Toilet Emperor 1.0 wears a metro cop helmet with orange eyes. Canonically, his only body part is his head and grey toilet bowl, as the rest of its body, which gives him his distinctive humanoid appearance, is a heavy-duty metallic armour piece designed by the Toilet Empire's best scientists to give him the ability to fend off The Alliance titans. In the chest region of his armour lies a glowing red core that presumably supplies energy to the rest of his suit. There are multiple spikes protruding around his head.
Due to his brief appearance being mostly taken up by combat, there isn't really much time to observe the Toilet Emperor 1.0's actual personality. However, it can e seen that he knows what isn't a threat to him, as he's extremely dismissive of smaller Alliance members, knowing that they can't actually harm him. He does appear to intervene with their actions if they would have major consequences.
However, on a similar note, the Toilet Emperor 1.0 isn't afraid to back down from a fight that would have disastrous consequences for him. After fighting with the Tri-Titan for a prolonged period of time, it can be assumed that he realised he wasn't going to win, as he fled the battle.
- Immense Strength: The Toilet Emperor 1.0 has incredible strength, as shown when he destroys entire mid-rise buildings simply by stepping on them. This also translates to combat, as he was able to fend off the Tri-Titan for a prolonged period of time.
- Immense Durability: Similarly, the Toilet Emperor 1.0 shows incredible resilience as he was able to tank multiple hits from the Tri-Titan at melee range without much damage.
- Hand Lasers: The Toilet Emperor 1.0 features energy wells on his palms, which he can use to fire powerful red lasers at enemies.
- Arm Blade: The Toilet Emperor 1.0 possesses a metal blade that he can extend or retract from his right wrist. He can use this as an extension of his arm to deal colossal damage to opponents at melee range.
- Thrusters: The Toilet Emperor 1.0 possesses thrusters on his feet that he can use to achieve flight for both a tactical advantage and faster travel.
- Eye Beams: In Episode 61, the Toilet Emperor 1.0 uses lasers to dispatch of the Speaker Titan, but the camera focuses only on the damage caused to the Speaker Titan and not the actual source of the attack. Judging from the distance between the two laser beams, it can be assumed that they emerged from the Toilet Emperor 1.0's eyes, but since it was off-camera it is not confirmed.
- Sheer Damage: The only seen weakness of the Toilet Emperor 1.0 is simply slugging it out with him for enough time. He retreated in Episode 63 after a prolonged period of fighting with the Tri-Titan, showing that he is indeed susceptible to physical trauma.
- Visual Attacks: Judging that his 2.0 form is susceptible to visual attacks, it can be assumed that the Toilet Emperor 1.0 shares the same weakness.
Episode | Character | Image | Method |
60 | Normal Cameraman | TBD | Blown up using hand laser. |
61 | Speaker Titan | TBD | Shot down using lasers, causing it to crash into the floor. |
Normal Cameraman | TBD | Stepped on. | |
Blue Suited Normal Camcorderman | |||
62 | Tri-Titan | TBD | Sliced across chest with sword. |
63 | Tri-Titan | TBD | Shot with numerous lasers multiple times |
- The Toilet Emperor 1.0 has been officially revealed to stand at about 166 metres tall, making him the largest Skibidi Toilet, not only in Virlance's universe but the entire Skibidi Multiverse.
- (Now it becomes the third largest Skibidi Toilet in the
- entire Multiverse, By The Astro Mothership And G-Man Toilet Apocalypse)
- His body is from Gipsy danger from pacific rim