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The Skibidi Wars Wiki

The Undead Helicopter Blaster Balaclava Skibidi Toilet was a giant and undead variant of Artillerist Skibidi Toilet that first appeared in The skibidi wars 108 where he used his blaster cannon to take down a laser turret.


It has a balaclava with green eyes, rotor blades to fly, armor on his toilet, wings to fly better and a blaster cannon mounted on the bottom of his toilet.


This toilet's main combat style is ranged combat, using his blaster cannon to launch a plasma ball and do massive damage to its victim and the area that the enemy is located, however like most of the toilets he can: ramm, crush, eat, bite and more that he has never shown.

Used Weapons And Gears[]

Mounted Blaster Cannon

His main weapon to attack, it can launch a powerful acid plasma ball which can do alot of damage to small alliance members and the are they are ubicated, this was shown in The skibidi wars 108 where he destroyed a laser turret with only one plasma ball.

Rotor Blades

This toilet's way to move, it can go to high places of the sky, however it is not as efective as the toilet is too big and its very slow to move.


It is also used to move better.


Its used to protect the toilet from attacks on the toilet, but it is also not very efective against titans


  • Its probably the replacement for the original Triplex Airstrike Skibidi Toilet from this episode.